The Crazy Birth of the Blues

People have been battling with the blues – or the “blue devils” as they once were known – ever since they started falling in love with each other back in those dark caves. Find out about one of the earliest blues songs, "Crazy Blues"!

A Radio Interview, Word for Word

In preparation for the recent book launch at the Irish Writers Centre, I gave a short interview at the end of March on "Word for Word" on Dublin South FM. I was interviewed by renowned political expert and social commentator, Dan O'Neil. You can listen to the interview here. It starts around the 40 min…

Chris Stevens: Talkin’ ‘Bout Them Squirrel Blues

On 6 April 2017, the Irish Writers Centre played host to the Dublin launch of Talkin' Squirrel Blues. By 6.00 that evening, the room was all set up. And at 6.30 the guests - the great and the good of the Dublin literary scene - began to arrive. After some refreshing refreshments and casual chatter…

Book launch at 23 Seats

And finally, the big night arrived... The Wild Weather Blues were in the air. But despite predictions of snowmageddon, a large crowd of family and friends turned out for the launch of Talking' Squirrel Blues at 23 Seats in Dundalk this evening. A huge word of thanks to everyone who showed up and made it such…

From self to shelf

It takes a long time for a book idea to evolve from a vague idea inside your head into a paperback book on the shelf of the local bookstore. But the destination is worth the journey. Last week, I delivered copies of Talkin' Squirrel Blues to Roe River Books (formerly Carroll's bookstore) in Dundalk. First…

Refresher Training Blues… Live!

JUST IN TIME FOR HALLOWEEN! An underground bootleg video has emerged of my reading of Refresher Training Blues at the recent Sunflower Sessions evening in Dublin. Check out the video below. Many thanks to Eamon Mag Uidhir for surreptitiously recording the performance and sneaking it onto the collectors' black market. If the video makes…

Refresher Training Blues

Last night, I got another chance to flash my wares... The Sunflower Sessions took place in Nealon's on Capel St, Dublin. This time, I presented another flash fiction piece: Refresher Training Blues. I have worked in the e-learning and education sectors for the last twenty(!) years. In that time, I have come to develop a…